News Letter:

Scary Money
Forget about The Shining, The Exorcist, Candyman or Friday the 13th, if you want to look at something that will......
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Watch Out - Iceberg Costs Ahead
There’s a concept known as the Iceberg Cost, which gets its name from an iceberg, where the total cost of something...
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What did Budget 2022 deliver?
Details of the 2022 Budget were announced earlier this afternoon (12th October 2021) in Dàil Eireann by the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe.
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Why it’s important to take notice
I was recently contacted by an individual who’s mortgage fixed rate was due for renewal.
She was coming off a 3-year fixed at the end of October, and her lender sent out options and she wanted to run them by someone.
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ESPP – Why they’re a Great Investment
Employee Share Purchase Plans (ESPP) can be a terrific way of accelerating your savings and achieving returns.....
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Bridging the income gap for early retirees
Over the past 6 months, I’ve had many meetings with people where their opening line began as,
I want to retire earlier than planned, how can I make that happen?
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Family Planning = Financial Planning
Someone asked me recently, did I know what the cost of raising a newborn baby was in the first year.
I didn’t know the answer, but I promised I’d find out for them.....
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What to do with a pay raise (Part 2)
In Tuesday’s article, we focused a little bit on the future, but now I want to look at what you should do with a pay rise if you are currently in debt and or your savings are low.
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What to do with a pay raise (Part 1)
I’ve just received a promotion and my salary has increased, and I was wondering how much of the raise, can I spend and how much should I save?
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I earned more interest in 1 day than I did in 1 year
In a moment I’m going to tell you about a gentleman who earned more interest in one day than he did in one year by being proactive with his money and by getting good advice......
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